НОВОСТИ и блог

Women entrepreneurship, a video session
In the frame of the Skills Development and Employability Support pillar of the Harmonising Protection Practices in Greece (HARP), ASB hosted the Hellenic Open University

Migrant Mothers in Europe: Celebrating Mothers’ Month Together
May 8th marked Mothers’ Day in many European countries, and it represented a reminder that migrant women are among this vast and diverse group of

Why was born WINBIZ project?
The integration of migrant women or women with non-Western backgrounds into the European context is an essential step towards achieving the goal of raising the

What are the partners of WINBIZ project?
The WINBIZ project was born from the consortium composed of 6 countries in Europe. The kick-off meeting was in February 2022 in Portugal. APSU, is

Article #1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam at metus est. Pellentesque at nisi sed dui ultricies gravida. Maecenas vitae nulla erat. Suspendisse eu

Article #2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam at metus est. Pellentesque at nisi sed dui ultricies gravida. Maecenas vitae nulla erat. Suspendisse eu

Article #3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam at metus est. Pellentesque at nisi sed dui ultricies gravida. Maecenas vitae nulla erat. Suspendisse eu